
Law Office of Rodney Gould

LGBTQ+ Couples and the Importance of Estate Planning

Anyone who’s in a committed partnership knows how important it is to love and care for their partner, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. One way we do this for our loved ones is by establishing an estate plan to ensure they’re cared for even after we pass, but this can be more complicated for those in the LGBTQ community.

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

Understanding Pour-Over Wills

A pour-over will can be described as a legal document that ensures that all of a person's remaining property and assets are automatically transferred into a previously drafted revocable living trust upon their death.

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

Estate Planning and Divorce

Going through a divorce is an emotionally taxing experience. Often, individuals are so focused on the process of untangling all the details of their lives that they don’t consider updating their estate planning documents. However, it is important to understand how your divorce proceedings can affect your estate plan and why it is necessary to make changes accordingly.

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

How to Create a Trust for Children With Drug Abuse Problems

When creating a trust for a child with drug abuse problems, it is important to consider the potential consequences of their addiction. While parents may have the best of intentions in providing an inheritance to their children when they pass away, it is possible that the money or assets could be at risk if the child has a substance abuse problem.

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

Are Heirs Responsible for Their Loved-One’s Debts?

The death of a loved one is difficult enough to process without having to worry about any debts that the deceased may have incurred. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for family members to be left with the responsibility of dealing with their late relative’s debt. So, what are the legalities surrounding debt after someone passes away?

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

Reviewing & Updating Your Will

According to a Gallup Poll, fewer than half of adult Americans have a will. The company’s polling in 2020 found that roughly 46 percent of Americans have a will in place to specify what to do with their assets and how to take care of their loved ones when they’re gone.

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

Second Marriages & Estate Planning

Who will inherit from your estate becomes even more complicated if you and your new spouse both already have children. If you do not establish your wishes in your estate plan, your assets may end up going to a child who you don’t have a strong relationship with rather than your own children.

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

I Lost My Mom’s Original Will, But I Have a Copy

What if the only document you have is a copy of your loved one’s will? Can you actually use a copy of the will drafted by your mom, dad, grandparent, or another family member in order to carry out their wishes and distribute assets?

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Law Office of Rodney Gould

What to Do First When Someone Dies

The death of a loved one can be devastating news to receive. Even if they were elderly or in poor health, the reality can be hard to accept, and you may be unclear about what to do next or how to handle the estate.

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